Clubs & Activities
About Our Clubs & Activities
Catholic Memorial High School offers more than 80 activities, clubs and sports for students to get involved.
Clubs and activities are a great way for students to make friends, demonstrate leadership skills, show school spirit and to give back to the community.
Clubs and Activities Available at Catholic Memorial High School
Campus Ministry | International Studies Trips | Rosary Club |
Celebrating Lives of Service | Jazz Ensemble | Science Bowl |
Concert Band | Knitting Club | Senior Advisory Board |
Concert Choir | Latin Club | Service Club |
Crusader Day of Service | Leadership Team | Shadow Hosting |
Crusader Walk | lntramurals | Spanish |
Dodgeball Tournament | Mardi Gras Celebration | Spikeball Tournament |
Environmental Club | Math League | Spring Concert |
Faculty vs. Student Basketball Game | Mock Trial | Spring Play |
Father/Daughter Dinner Dance | Mother/Daughter Fashion Show | Student Ambassadors |
Father/Son Social | Mother/Son Dinner Dance | Student Art Show |
French Honor Society | National Honor Society | Student Council |
Freshman Welcome Dance | Open House | Tennis Club |
Friends of Rachel | Operation Michael | Thanksgiving Community Dinner |
Grade School High Interest Days | Peer Mentors | Treble Choir |
Homecoming Dance | PowderPuff Football Game | Winter Concert |
Homecoming Week | Pro- Life Washington D.C. Trip | Winter Musical |
Inclusiveness Team | Pro-Life Club |