Career Planning, Internship
& Project-Based Learning
Education at Catholic Memorial High School doesn't stop in the classroom. CMH gives students hands-on experience during their senior year in internship placements in the area of business, computer science and engineering with local companies. Students are given projects, work on teams alongside full-time employees and experience a real world career environment while still in high school.

Catholic Memorial High School Internship Programs
CMH students will have the opportunity to take advantage of amazing business partnerships in a variety of subject areas. During junior and senior years, students will be given both project-based experience within their courses and collaborations with businesses and internship opportunities outside of the classroom during the school year and summer months. These collaborations provide real-world experience for students and a jump start into analyzing their direction for future careers.

Business Career Planning
Catholic Memorial High School’s business courses focus on the four primary pillars of business - marketing/advertising, finance/accounting, human resources and operations. Students will learn from accomplished business leaders who lend their expertise in creating interactive, authentic learning opportunities and mentorship. Students will master concepts such as business management, culture, ethics, globalization, innovation and strategy.
Business students manage the Crusader Café, an applied learning project that provides hands-on experience running a nonprofit business. Each student plays a role, from marketing and finance to ordering supplies and managing inventory.
Catholic Memorial High School College Planning
A particular focus of the Catholic Memorial’s Counseling Department is preparing each student to make a well-informed post-secondary decision. This process begins with the student selecting an academic program that is challenging and geared toward a student’s strengths. Naviance software is utilized planning and assessment tools to assist students with college and career readiness exploring their area of interest and passion. This powerful program gives students a sense of confidence when selecting and pursuing their next steps after high school.
The Counseling Department also hosts a number of seminars to assist students and parents in their college decision-making process.